15/07 - 16/08
fully booked from 15/07 until 16/08
F u l l y b o o k e d please no requests for this period
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Eco-Camping – nature & camping at Grubhof

Eco-friendly, sustainable camping in the Alps

More and more people are looking to escape the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding peace in nature and camping. In enjoying a nature retreat, we do not want to forget the importance of eco-friendly behaviour, the conservation of natural resources and not least our own health. At Grubhof in the region of Salzburg, we offer an environmentally-friendly, sustainable nature camping experience to the highest degree.

ECOCAMPING at nature campsite Grubhof

We place particular value on the following measures to ensure the sustainability and environmental friendliness of our nature campsite Grubhof.

  • constantly optimising environmental protection, safety and quality
  • reducing waste and encouraging repurposing
  • using energy and water efficiently
  • using cleaning methods that limit harm to the environment
  • reducing traffic-related damage to the environment including limiting the emission of toxic materials
  • designing and maintaining outdoor areas in an eco-friendly way
  • considering nature and the environment in our leisure programmes
  • purchasing and selling regional products

We would appreciate your support in our endeavours to protect our natural environment. 

Photovoltaics & e-mobility

Our own 190 kWp photovoltaic system generates 35% of our energy needs. We only use electric vehicles onsite and offer guests six e-charging stations with an automated billing system.

Founding member of GreenCampings.at

Grubhof is a founding member of GreenCampings.at, an association of 7 austrian campsites, all of whom take sustainability seriously and are proud wearers of the European Eco-Label.   

Photovoltaik & E-Mobilität im Campingplatz Grubhof in Lofer

Eco-Camping in Austria – environmentally friendly and sustainable

Certified ECOCAMPING campsite

We are part of ECOCAMPING in order to guarantee an agenda of environmental and quality management on our nature campsite Grubhof. It is our goal to continually improve environmental, safety and quality standards on our site, to ensure Grubhof sets a gold standard for nature camping and sustainable tourism in Europe. And we have ECOCAMPING e.V.‘s certified seal of approval.

ECOCAMPING e.V. is an organisation geared towards protecting nature, the environment and quality & safety standards in the camping industry.

Austrian Ecolabel & EU Ecolabel campsite

Our nature campsite Grubhof was awarded the Austrian Ecolabel and the EU-Ecolabel from the austrian Minister for Environment back in 2012.

Umweltzeichen Logo
EU Ecolabel Logo